Konfident Kanines eNewsletter - March 2009
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NEW In This Issue!

You, Your Pet
& The Law
Did You Know?
Native American Proverbs

Issue #0014 - Published by L. Neilson

KKI is absolutely committed to teaching what is believed to be the “Truth” about canines and their behavior. KKI will always put the well being of the dog first and foremost, even in the face of adversity.

It is at this time of year as we are about to escape the cold icy grip of winter and slip into the embrace of spring when once again we will encounter our neighbors out enjoying the long awaited warmer weather.

Those same neighbors are often accompanied by their pets, some well mannered and others well, not so well mannered. It is those not so well mannered pets I will discuss in this edition.

I have already been exposed to many of these errant and unrestrained pets so far this month. I suspect you have encountered a few as well.

The irresponsible nature of those who repeatedly allow their out of control dog to frighten the daylights out of people, or simply be a nuisance in the community, never ceases to amaze me. We can't blame the dog. It is the guardian of the dog that is at fault. After all their screaming and yelling, and sometimes abusive tactics have failed to control Rover, often they will resort to excuses. They can save the excuses for someone else. I am not interested in why their dog charged at me or my dog. I already know why….it is the irresponsible human behind the dog who is at fault.

If you have ever been the victim of one of these unnecessary and illegal onslaughts by a dog, or witnessed another person being victimized, I will tell you it does not have to be that way. A reliable and experienced trainer can help those people gain control of their dog and provide the dog with stability in his life at the same time. This will only happen of course if the human element is willing to take responsibility and be willing to learn.

I am going to talk a bit about the law and the potential ramifications for those who allow their dogs to threaten, intimidate or even bring physical harm to an innocent citizen.

The following excerpts were taken directly from the City of Calgary's Animal Services website. Keep in mind I will speak to only a small portion of the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. For complete Animal Services Bylaws contact the City of Calgary Animal Services. I trust the towns of Okotoks, High River and Airdrie have similar bylaws.

Although I will speak to dog regulations I would like to point out that cat regulations are similar.

  • Cats cannot run at large in Calgary. This means that a cat is not allowed on any property other than that of its owner.
  • All cats must be licensed
  • All dogs three months of age and older must be licensed.
  • Dogs are not allowed to run at large. This means that dogs must be under the control of their owner at all times.
  • All dogs must be on-leash at all times, unless posted signs indicate otherwise or they are in a securely fenced private yard.
  • Dogs must still be under the control of their owner in designated off leash areas, meaning they will respond to sight and sound commands.
  • A dog owner must ensure their dog does not:
    • Bite anyone
    • Injure anyone
    • Chase or threaten anyone
    • Bark, howl or disturb anyone
    • Cause damage to property
    • Cause damage to other animals
    • Scatter garbage
  • Dogs are not allowed in:
    • School grounds
    • Playgrounds
    • Sports fields
    • Golf courses
    • Cemeteries
    • Wading or swimming areas
  • While on a pathway a dog must:
    • Be on a leash no longer than 2 metres
    • Remain on the right hand side of the pathway
    • Not interfere with or obstruct other users
  • You cannot leave your dog unattended while tethered.
  • You cannot cycle, skateboard or in-line skate with a dog on a leash while on a pathway.
  • You must pick up all feces produced by your dog both on and off your property. Ensure that you bring along suitable mean to pick up feces.
  • Dogs are only allowed to be transported in the back of a truck if the dog is either in a fully enclosed trailer, a truck bed covered with topper, contained in a ventilated kennel which is secured to the truck bed, or securely tethered and not standing on bare metal.

No Dogs in Park on Holidays
The Owner of a dog or any other Animal shall ensure that such dog or other animal does not enter or remain in the Park known as Prince's Island Park, or on the pedestrian bridges to the Park whether on or off Leash at any time on the following two (2) designated days of each year: (a) July 01 - Canada Day; and (b) the first Monday of August - Heritage Day.

The Owner of an Animal shall ensure that such Animal shall not be left unattended while tethered or tied on premises where the public has access, whether the access is express or implied. The Owner of an Animal shall ensure that such Animal shall not be left unsupervised while tethered or tied on private property. (B/L 48M2008, NOVEMBER 3, 2008) The Owner of an Animal left unattended in a motor vehicle shall ensure: (a) the Animal is restrained in a manner that prevents contact between the Animal and any member of the public; and (b) the Animal has suitable ventilation. (2) The Owner of an Animal shall not leave an Animal unattended in a motor Vehicle if the weather conditions are not suitable for containment of an animal.

Every Owner of an Animal who contravenes any of the provisions of this Bylaw by: (a) Doing any act or thing which the person is prohibited from doing, or (b) Failing to do any act or thing the person is required to do, is guilty of an offence. (B/L 48M2008, NOVEMBER 3, 2008) (2) Any person who is convicted of an offence pursuant to this Bylaw is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.00, and in default of payment of any fine imposed, to imprisonment for not more than six (6) months.

A lot of rules and regulations your thinking right…however when we sift through them I am sure you will quickly agree they for the most part are simply comprised of a bit of "common sense"

Lets all be responsible pet owners

L. Neilson

Did You Know?

African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with

There are approximately 701 types of pure breed dogs

There are about 54 million dogs in the U.S.

An Ostrich can run up to 70 kmph

The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car

Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand
- Tribe Unknown

Most of us do not look as handsome to others as we do to ourselves
- Assiniboine

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice.
- Cherokee

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave
- Dakota

When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard
- Lakota