Puppy clinics are also in the making. These clinics will be held on a periodic basis and consist of a one night presentation at nominal cost. These clinics will provide guests with all the information they need to get their puppy off to the right start, up to the age of approximately six months. At the age of six months is when I recommend formal obedience training being seriously considered. Pawsative Match Rescue Foundation has contributed valuable information which will be included in the puppy clinics. Those who have a puppy, or are considering acquiring a puppy, will not want to miss this clinic. We expect to host a puppy clinic in mid to late May. For more information watch the KKI website and/or Dogsville's website. Feel free to call the following numbers for information as well.
Larry at (403) 651-7987
Dogsville at (403) 257-1194
In ever increasing numbers I am called upon to rehabilitate dogs that I refer to as "Great Dogs with Bad Habits". In so many cases, these same dogs have been given up on or refused help by other trainers, or so self proclaimed behavioral specialists. In all honesty, even I can sometimes grow weary of the long list of dogs with bad habits I am called upon to rehabilitate in a year. I do it though because if I don't - who will? Don't get me wrong, it is not the dogs that I grow weary of - it is the misconstrued idea that exists out there that this unacceptable behavior originates in the dog, and that these dogs are incorrigible. Rubish!
Almost all of the issues I am called upon to deal with are the direct result of a deep rooted and misguided human misunderstanding of dogs, or in many cases, pet owners who have been the recipients of "useless information". Information that far too often is presented with a sugary coating intended to make people feel warm and fuzzy but ultimately serves only to further confuse the dog!
Believe this though - it is a rare dog that sets out to be mean, disruptive, or a nuisance to society in any way. Dogs only do what comes naturally to them. They are pack animals, and as such need leadership. I have said this before - if we can't, or won't provide a stable pack environment with firm fair leadership, then the dog will take over. The dogs need for leadership is not an option, DOGS NEEDS LEADERSHIP to function properly and live a happy life.
So, in the event you or someone you know sees me or someone else like perhaps the well know Caesar Milan, reshaping a dogs behavior, and the dog is acting out in a way that might convince the "unlearned ones" the dogs life is being compromised, or he is being harmed in some way, keep in mind that in almost every case this is a dog that has been conditioned to behave this way in order to get what he wants. Conditioned by self serving humans that would rather give up on a dog or have it destroyed than to take the necessary steps to rehabilitate the dog so he becomes a good canine citizen.
Remember this, I would much rather spend time in the education of a friendly, well mannered dog, than one who is completely out of control. It is so much easier. I am also well aware of the fact that we cannot all take the easy way out. I care as much about these poorly behaved dogs as you might about the friendly cuddly ones. I care enough to risk personal injury and criticism in order to rehabilitate them. I am proud to say that I have saved countless dogs from euthanasia or worse. So if you should witness me rehabilitating a dog that has been allowed to go astray, I ask for your understanding because...
If I don't do it - who will?
Did You Know?
84 percent of all household waste can be recycled.
Here is an example of how long it takes some things to break down:
Plastic's take 500 years,
Aluminum cans take 500 years,
Organic materials; take 6 months,
Cotton, rags, paper take 6 months.
The milk of a hippo is bright pink.
Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs.
Larry of KKI at outdoor Seminar
Seminar Host
Pearls of Wisdom
- It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.
- Life is the greatest of all bargains you get for nothing.
- If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come.
- It takes two to make a quarrel but only one to end it.
- Do not climb the hill until you get to it
Dogsville Owner - Patti Galambos