Products & Supplies
Stop & Paws believes strongly in natural pet foods and supplies and will stock and recommend such pet food products as O&M, Wellness, Natural Planet, Royal Canine, Evo (Grain Free) and several other well known and proven pet foods. Additionally Susan will offer similar small animal and cat foods as well as a varied assortment of quality toys, treats, kennels and special order items. Most importantly, Stop & Paws wants "YOU" to participate in building the stock around what you, the customer wants to see available in High River. Stop & Paws is committed to listening to what you have to say, and get to know you. Stop & Paws intends to earn the right to become the Pet Supply store of your choice.
What Should You Expect from Stop & Paws?
- A bright, open and clean environment
- A high standard of customer service
- Special order services at fair prices
- Advice and education - if I can't answer your question, I will find someone who can.
- Pet friendly store- welcoming all leashed pets
- Konfident Kanine Seminars
Opening August 18th!
#126 4th Ave. SW
High River, Alberta
In my June Newsletter I had discussed two of the five senses in the order of importance to the dog, at least as far as us mere humans can determine. In this Newsletter I will discuss one more of these primary senses
It is accepted that dogs hear at least twice as well as humans. Dogs are able to perceive frequencies up to two and a half times higher than those heard by humans. Dogs can even hear ultrasound, which is why dog whistles can be so effective. Dogs are also very good at distinguishing between sounds and can easily distinguish words spoken by their handlers, although tone of voice and gestures are also very important.
Did You Know?
Man is the only animal that blushes - or has to.
Obesity in dogs causes or aggravates diabetes, cardio respiratory deficiencies etc.
- Increases the risks involved in surgery
- Leads to nutritional deficiencies
- Decreases reproductive capacity
- Creates serious skin problems.
Words of Wisdom
A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark.