Konfident Kanines eNewsletter - December 2007
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News & Events
A Note of Thanks
Consider This
Merry Christmas!

Konfident Kanines is a company dedicated to the education of dogs and people of all ages.

KKI is absolutely committed to teaching what is believed to be the “Truth” about canines and their behavior. KKI will always put the well being of the dog first and foremost, even in the face of adversity's a company dedicated to the education of dogs and people of all ages.

Konfident Kainies.com
Site Launched!

Loaded with features like online class registration, product specials, articles, stories and more!

Click Here to check out the new site!

Thank you to all who supported me during my time as the owner of The Pet Stop.

Without your loyal support, the rapid growth and success of The Pet Stop simply would not have been possible. I will truly miss seeing so many of you on a regular basis. It is now my intention to focus my energy on Konfident Kanines Inc. (KKI), my most recent venture, which is intended to provide the means for me to devote more time to what I love most, and that is working in the field of canine education and behavior modification.

I will continue to educate and train dogs, with the focus being on sharing relevant education with humans, giving them the tools needed to better understand and modify their dogs' behaviors.

Without accurately identifying and properly assessing various contributing causes underlying a canine behavioral problem, it is not possible to intervene with a truly rational plan of behavior modification and therapy.

Unfortunately many theories and assumptions in circulation today are often dated or unconfirmed. These various texts often promote conflicting or contradictory information. Some encourage extremely intrusive or forceful techniques as prerequisites for controlling undesirable dog behavior while others admonish the reader never take a firm stance against the wayward dog.

Much of the fashionable popular literature is confounded by moralistic and ideological agendas that repel an honest and rational search for an objective understanding of dog behavior and its effective control and management. The overall result of these influences has been the accumulation of widely contradictory and often baffling opinions, theories and practices performed in the name of dog training or counseling.

To he
who will cast stones
upon my flesh
I shall gather
those stones
to strengthen
my foundation.

Pearl of Wisdom
The Gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials